Jazz Violin Melodies
Performances and transcriptions of jazz standard melodies featuring renowned jazz violinist Tim Kliphuis (Rosenberg Trio, Fapy Lafertin, Angelo Debarre, etc...). Read full description…
Performances and transcriptions of jazz standard melodies featuring renowned jazz violinist Tim Kliphuis (Rosenberg Trio, Fapy Lafertin, Angelo Debarre, etc...).
When melodies are notated in lead sheets, they are often written in a simple way; both melodically, and rhythmically. It is standard practice, however, in jazz, to embellish the melodies. This can be done to varying degrees, and the possibilities are endless. In this free lesson, Tim Kliphuis demonstrates a typical authentic jazz violin approach to interpreting melodies.
Click here to download free backing tracks at 100 and 150bpm.
Song list:
All Of Me
Dark Eyes
I Can't Give You Anything But Love
Lady Be Good
All Of Me |
Coquette |
I Can’t Give You Anything But Love |
Lady Be Good |
Les Yeux Noirs |
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